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Baby Squishy's Birth Story

Everyday Joey • Jan 16, 2017
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
In Mid-November , I went to the doctors for my 38-week appointment. Due date was coming up in a couple weeks, but a baby is considered “full-term” (37 weeks, baby after this point is considered fully developed so can be born without complications). When I got there, I did the normal blood pressure, weighing me, and peeing in a cup, then got into my actual doctor's appointment. He asked me what I thought about getting induced. I hadn’t really thought about it because I thought I was going to give birth at any time already since I felt like my pelvis has been ripping into two for the last two months.
It took me a minute to respond, because I know I was wanting to have a natural birth if I could (without an epidural) and I had heard that getting induced, the Pitocin makes the contractions more painful - so it would make it even harder for me to obtain that goal of a natural birth. Also, I knew that Husband had to stay at school for another semester to finish up classes, and since we could not find any affordable housing together, we chose for me to return home to Washington State while he stayed here all the way in Idaho to finish up school. This is going to be tough on both of us, and he really wants to spend time with the baby as much as possible before that happened.
Since the demand for inductions is high, I set an appointment for one, that could be canceled at my next doctor's appointment if I chose to do so.
I went home and asked husband what he thought, and what all was going through my head. We chose to stick with the induction date, so we could spend as much time as possible together as a family before being separated for a couple months... but we hoped that she would come naturally before then, but if not… oh well.
I waited a week, went to my doctor's appointment, and told him the induction was a go (because she is stubborn and decided not to come out yet like we were hoping - even though I was doing TONS of squats, walking, had my doctor strip my membranes, and basically everything else to possibly induce labor on my own). He gave us a paper with the hospital number to call at 5:30 am to see when we should come in on that day.
Then came the waiting game. I set my alarm for 5:30 the next morning, and once I woke up, I gave the hospital a call. They said to get some more rest and to call back at 9:30 -_- At 9:30 I called back and then they said
would call back at 12 . Around 1 pm when they hadn’t called yet, I decided to call, and they told me that things were set for me to come in at 2:30 unless they called and told me otherwise.
A round 2 pm, my Mom, Husband and I decided to head out and grab some quick food on the way to the hospital , and my “last supper” (because we had no idea how long my delivery would last) - and I got a Wendy’s chocolate Frosty and some fries … so healthy :D
We got to the hospital around 2:20 , and my mom and I could tell that husband was nervous as heck. He was forgetful, and he looked constantly like a deer in the headlights. We even forgot something once we got in the hospital doors, so he said he would go grab it from the car - and he went down a random hallway instead of the doors we just walked through, then a few minutes later he came running back from that random hallway and then went out the doors and out to the car. Poor guy. He was a thousand times more nervous than I was… and I was surprisingly calm. (except just his reaction was making me kinda anxious)
When he got back, we headed up to the Labor and Delivery floor, got checked in and got brought to our delivery room. It was suuuppper nice, with a huge flatscreen TV and a Jacuzzi tub right next door to labor in (since my water was getting broken right away I wasn’t allowed to use it, sadly.)
After they had me put on the cute robes that tie in the back, I got all cozy in the hospital bed. At 3 pm my doctor came and checked my dilation (still a 3), broke my water, and then said they could start me on the Pitocin.
The Pitocin (started at 3:45 pm) took a little bit to kick in. It didn’t take long for me to feel like I was sitting on a tennis ball stuck in my butt hole (really, though, that's what it felt like), and I can only assume that was me dilating and the baby's head getting lower. It made it so uncomfortable to sit, so I asked for a birthing ball… which I couldn’t even sit on either. So I just stood because that at least (mostly) eliminated that uncomfortable feeling. I had no idea how I was going to eventually get back into the bed to give birth to this little baby with it feeling so uncomfortable to even lightly be sitting on my bum. It didn’t take very long before I went from wanting to go naturally to crying while my husband held me and I was asking for an epidural (about 5:45 pm).
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
Now waiting for an epidural was fuuuuunn. Because of the Pitocin, contractions had barely any break between (I would say about 30 seconds) and were freakishly strong. The anesthesiologist came and started talking about the procedure he was going to do, while the nurse was having me fill out paperwork. With the contractions, and having to let go of my husband for the moments to sign a paper, or even to stop to talk with the nurse to answer questions… I wanted to cry, and even at times yell because they were making me do so many things while I was in so much pain with limited movement. I don’t cry in front of people (except my husband and my mom), so that was really really hard not to cry in front of the nurses while feeling so frustrated while being in so much pain.
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
The anesthesiologist was funny though. He made me laugh a little bit, which helped the mood and helped me relax (because honestly, more than giving birth - I was even more scared of getting an epidural). The pain of the contractions was bad, and I was shaking a lot because I was scared of the epidural, and I felt weak for giving in and not going naturally like I was wanting to. I honestly felt like such a sissy and was a little ashamed of myself.
However, getting the epidural was super easy. It took a while for it to kick in, but once it did - all the pain and the uncomfortable feeling was gone. And it was a much more amazing and peaceful experience after that.
But then I could only eat/drink ice chips. -_- BUT. They had mango syrup on them, which was DELICIOUS.
The doctor came in shortly after and checked my dilation and found out I was a 9 . He was impressed.
The whole time he was telling me I would be in labor for 17 hours or so, because that was typical of a first birth, and probably overestimating to make me prepared as well. My mom had 3-5 hour births, and I told him that and he still said (back at the doctor's office) that my labor would most likely be 17 hours.
Nope, we were at 4 hours and almost done.
The nurse had me start pushing (7:50 pm) . She held one leg, and husband held the other. And my mother manned the camera while feeding me mango ice chips.
Pushing on an epidural is weird… you can’t feel yourself pushing, so you feel like you are trying to push out a poop, but you don’t even know if that is what you are doing because you can’t feel a thing. The one thing you can feel is your face, and I felt like my face was the only thing doing all the pushing. It was super weird, and I felt like I looked SUPER funny, and like all the blood vessels were breaking in my face or something (my husband told me afterwards that he was surprised he didn’t see any broken - I guess he was thinking about that too… maybe I did look that funny -_- ).
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
They helped me push the baby until its head was right by the outside, then they called the doctor. Once the doctor got there I started pushing again. I thought husband would be scared by the whole thing (and never touch me again) but he was suddenly so interested and involved in the whole process. He even watched the baby’s head come out (where I couldn’t ever want do that… hahaha). Apparently, the baby was having a hard time making an exit at the beginning, so the doctor had to do an episiotomy, and once he finished, the baby practically came flying out (Born at 8:30 pm!).

Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey

Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey

They had me do skin to skin first thing. They put her up near my face, so all I could see was her back, even though I was really wanting to see her beautiful face. Eventually, they took her to weigh and measure her, and then brought her back for me to feed her.
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
She ate so well, and I finally got to see her face. She was so swollen and puffy - especially her eyes, but still so beautiful.

Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey

In order for me to move to the recovery room, I need to be able to lift my legs and take a shower. I thought I could, but my legs were way too numb, that the nurse decided to give me a sort of sponge bath in the bed, and then somehow get me in the wheelchair. By the way, moving your legs, and putting any weight on them while they are still numb is the weirdest sensation in the world. Sort of like floating and falling… It is kinda confusing, and scary feeling.
When I got to the new room, the nurse had to help me go to the bathroom (this whole birthing experience is very humbling by the way..). It took me a good ten minutes to even figure out how to go pee because everything was so numb, but I DID IT!!! They gave me good painkillers when I got back to bed (because of the crotch pain I started to feel, and the awful  cramps from my uterus shrinking when I breastfed as well).
It was hard to have the baby sleep in the hospital baby bed because she was so far away, so I slept with her in my bed most of the night. Still, I found myself waking up every little bit to see if she was still breathing, and to just look at her beautiful face. 
My husband was super active in being a father and would take her right after I fed her and burp her. I never had to change a diaper while in the hospital either, because he would take her and change it right away when it was needed (he is a keeper, and seriously an amazing father so far… he does everything and loves it). It is so obvious that this little girl has stolen his heart. The nurses even made points to mention how involved of a father he is, because every time they came into the room he would be holding or burping the baby, and would always offer to take her while they were checking my vitals and such. They said that it isn’t often that the dads are like that.
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
Even though we decided on a name beforehand, and basically had no backup… I still wasn’t convinced. I told husband that I needed to sleep on it, and I would tell him what her name was for sure in the morning.
Sure enough, by morning - the name fit and we stuck with it. :)
Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey

~Everyday Joey~

Birth Story | Birth Photography | Everyday Joey
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Little Mister's Birth Story - Everyday Joey
By Everyday Joey 19 Feb, 2020
So it was a little debatable how far along I was. I was either 38 or 40 weeks depending on which doctor you spoke to. I was okay with either because although I was uncomfortable and wanted to meet the little one, I was kinda starting to enjoy being pregnant (maybe because I knew it was almost over). Here is a little summary of the week leading up to the birth. Sunday I woke up to blood. I continued on with the day, I had stopped bleeding so I didn’t worry about it too much. Tuesday I woke up again to blood. I called the clinic, and they told me to come in in the afternoon. By the time I got there, the bleeding had slowed down, and basically stopped - but I was still super worried because I did not have this bleeding with my first. I saw a doctor I had not seen before, and he bumped up my due date to 40 weeks (based on my very first ultrasound). He did a cervical check and said I was still dilated the same. The nurse checked the baby’s heartbeat, and it was there (thank goodness). The doctor said I was fine, with no explanation for why I was bleeding and sent me home. He said to come in again if there was more bleeding. Wednesday I woke up to a lot more blood (fresh blood, not old blood from the cervical check). I did not want to go back into the clinic because I was not a huge fan of the doctor and I wanted to know the reason why I was bleeding, so I went right into Labor and Delivery at the hospital. They had me fill out some forms and took me to a labor suite. They had me get dressed in a hospital gown, they did a cervical check, and then they put me on monitors to check the baby and contractions. I was having regular contractions for a while, but it was because of the cervical check. After about 20 minutes they then slowed down and stopped. They sent me to get an ultrasound. They checked the baby and the placenta. Everything was fine. They found out that the reason for the bleeding was my cervix (it was adjusting to prepare for labor). It was really comforting to know that that was all it was, but still weird because I did not experience that at all with my first baby. Since everything was good, they sent me home. Friday - Labor Day! 12:00 pm - I had a doctor’s appointment, so I went in and saw a nice new doctor. She checked everything and said everything was going great. I asked her if she could separate my membranes (one of the ways to possibly induce labor). She said she would. She also said that she hopes I go into labor on Saturday or Sunday - because that is when she would be on call to deliver the baby. I agreed, I really liked her so I thought that would be great if she could deliver my baby. After my appointment, I went on with my day. I went shopping, bought some pineapple core, and ate the pineapple core. I bounced on a yoga ball, I went on a walk with Squishy, and I walked/lunged up lots of stairs. I was just feeling uncomfortable, but not any different. 8:40 pm - The evening came and I checked Facebook. I saw one of my friends just had their baby girl. I thought “awwww, she is so cute! Wouldn’t it be so cool if I had my baby today,” then I forgot about it. I showered with Squishy and got her ready for bed. Then I laid down in bed with her to get her to go to sleep. While I was laying there I thought about how I was having Braxton Hicks contractions, and I thought that I wasn’t sure I could sleep through these ones because they were making me really uncomfortable. So after a while - and while waiting for Squishy to go to sleep - I pulled out a timer app and started timing these “Braxton Hicks” contractions. They were kinda regularly 3 minutes apart, but I was confused because the time apart kept getting smaller, and at times would vary by 30 seconds (so I wasn’t convinced they were regular). When they started to be 1 minute apart, and Squishy was asleep, I came out of the room. Husband was playing PUBG with our friend, and I was planning on joining them when Squishy fell asleep. I sat by him for a while breathing through contractions (I was in the zone that I didn’t care what he was doing, and I felt like I was fine), but then I finally decided it was time, and there was no way I would be able to play PUBG tonight. So I got his attention and told him that I think I am in labor, we probably should go to the hospital. 10:00 pm - Husband called our good friend who lives nearby, and she came over right away to watch Squishy for the night. 10:15 pm - We walked to the car, then drove to the hospital (just 5ish minutes away). We parked at the hospital then walked up to the doors to find them locked. Then we realized that since it was night that the main entrance was locked, so we had to go to the emergency entrance. We packed back up in the car and drove to the opposite side of the building where the emergency entrance was. The person at the desk called labor and delivery and had them send someone to come get me. They put me in a wheelchair and told me to wait. This is when contractions started to get worse. I was definitely starting to feel some pain, and sitting was starting to get pretty uncomfortable. All of the calling and waiting they were doing was making me really impatient at this point. The person from labor and delivery finally came and took me upstairs where at the labor and delivery desk where they had me stand up to fill out some paperwork (this part sucked), and then had me walk to my delivery room (also sucked), and then put on a robe (aaalllso sucked). 10:30 pm - The nurse put the monitors on, put in an IV, and checked my cervix. She told me she was dilated at a 7. She told me that she was going to go grab the doctor on call (and told me his name) because the baby was coming sooner than they thought he would. The doctor on call was the one I saw at the clinic at the beginning of the week, who I wasn’t a huge fan of. Once she left the room, the contractions got way more painful, I got more anxious (because the doctor I wasn’t a fan of was going to deliver the baby), and I was able to relax enough (instead of pretending I wasn’t feeling pain because that’s what I tend to do around people) that I just started scream-yelling. My body was surging with so much pain that somehow screaming helped. 10:50 pm? - I felt tons of pain and pressure then an explosion of water. My water broke. The nurse came back in and brought the doctor with her. I tried explaining to them between my very close contractions that I want some pain medicine NOW, that I know I said I wanted to go completely natural, but I wanted something to help it feel not so unbearable and to not feel like I had to scream in front of the doctor and all the nurses. I tried to list off the drug names that I heard of in my birthing class which probably made me sound like a druggie… but they just listened and smiled at me. The nurse told me, “well, you are just two contractions away from this baby, so let’s just wait through those two contractions and then we will talk about pain medicine.” Sure enough, I suddenly started feeling the urge to push. I scream-yelled and the head came out, then not long after, I scream-yelled again and the body came out ( 11:16 pm ). They handed him to me, and I held him while I pushed the placenta out. Husband cut the cord, the doctor stitched up my tear, and then all of the doctors and nurses left. We were alone for the first time with the little baby, and we were so shocked. We were super unprepared because even though it was almost time, we had no idea we were actually going to have the baby that day. I fed our Little Mister, and we talked about him for a while. We soaked in these quiet happy moments after all of the loud chaos of labor. About 30 minutes later, they came back to weigh and measure the little guy. He was 7lbs 4oz, and 19.5 inches (about the same as his sister - 7lbs 2oz, and 19in).
By Everyday Joey 08 Aug, 2019
A list of 8 products to help you survive pregnancy, and make you as comfortable as possible.
By Everyday Joey 15 Mar, 2017
Our journey from college students, to engagement, marriage, then the long and expensive process of applying for and becoming a permanent resident.
By Everyday Joey 21 Dec, 2016
Alternate Christmas gift ideas focused around experiences and time spent with family, instead of toys.
By Everyday Joey 14 Dec, 2016
I saw this idea on Instagram the other day, and although they were selling it as a kit, I assume you could put it together yourself (it only requires a Nativity set and a cut out star (or if there is one that comes with the set and it is movable… that works too). Similar to how the Elf moves to different places/does different things every night - with this you have a nativity set and the star, and you move the star every night. The next morning, it is the kid's goal to find the star where it is at in the home, and move the Three Wise Men to that spot. You can do this for the whole month of December. On Christmas morning, the star is placed above the rest of the Nativity set , and then the Wise Men finally get to meet Jesus. It is a great reminder for Children (and parents) of the journey those men had to take to see the Savior after he was born.
By Everyday Joey 05 Jun, 2016
So like I said in the last post (HERE) Aunt Flo was a few days late, so I was starting to think something was up… but also, I knew it was fairly normal for me to be a few days late anyways. I had taken a test at 1 day late, and it was negative, and I think I took another one a couple days after with the same result. But the longer it was with no murder scene in my pants I was (surprisingly) freaked out, and worrying that something was wrong with my body - and not actually thinking that I might be pregnant (because all of the other tests said I wasn’t).When husband and I decided we were going to start trying, we went to the dollar store and bought about five of those cheap tests (I always heard they work great, and are soooooooo much cheaper than the other ones you can buy), and then Keishi went with my friend and bought me another more expensive one when I started freaking out about my body doing weird things (not bleeding…), and thinking I was going to die. I decided to save that expensive one for when I was a week late, just in case I needed more of those hormones in my system to have a more accurate result (and husband made me promise to wait a little longer and not take a pregnancy test every day ← basically the real reason).About five days after Aunt Flo still hadn’t come, I broke my promise with husband and decided to take one of those dollar store tests again. Since we share a house with our friends, and my friend was out on the couch doing her homework - I came out and told her what I was about to do. She was excited. Then I went into the bathroom and went through the whole awkwardness of operating a dollar store pregnancy test, and waited a bit. I had seen that even if the second line is suuuuppppeeerrr suuuuuppper faint, it counts as a positive. And after waiting for a minute, my test showed the freaking faintest of lines. Slightly freaking out, I ran out of the bathroom, and into the living room to get the expensive test out of the Wal-Mart bag (because we were too lazy to actually put it away/I didn’t want it in the bathroom to tempt me) and I peed on that stick (so much simpler than dollar store tests by the way). That test showed the extra line, but suuuper freaking strong. I was pregnant! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :DI was so excited I started to run out to tell my friend, but then stopped just about before I turned the corner where she could see me, and thought that I should probably tell my husband first, and turned around and went to tell him first. He was still in bed, but he opened his eyes when I got in the room. I went over to him and said “so guess what, we are having a baby!” his eyes got all sparkly, and he looked at my tummy and touched it. It was basically the sweetest thing ever. He isn’t much for words, but the moment was adorable. Then I ran out and finally told my friend and we both squealed in excitement for a while. :) Everyday Joey~this post may contain affiliate links~
By Everyday Joey 04 Jan, 2016
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